Classic Vocal Exercise with Help from Classic Stars

All my Voice & Speech clients know the benefits of practicing the “Moses Supposes” exercise to get the jaw open and the lips forward.  Feel like trying it?  Here’s some help from the stars of Singin’ in the Rain:

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Use These Words to Make a Smart Impression

This article contains a list of supposedly impressive vocabulary words.  If you choose to use them, do you know how to pronounce them correctly?  Some need really refined articulation skills to pull them off. Cheryl at BVocal can help you make a great verbal impression every time.

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Your Voice Can Boost or Sabotage Your Career This article from the Wall Street Journal offers new evidence that tone of voice can greatly affect one’s career, and it also advocates getting voice coaching.  There’s also a fun graphic, showing different types of vocal sound, aligning with a celebrity.

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Celebrate World Voice Day! Warm up with Cheryl.

BVocal invites you to celebrate World Voice Day on April 16th, 2015, by warming up your voice and speech.  Join Cheryl in this easy, 5-minute warm-up to help you release your best voice. [soundcloud id=’87303892′] Our intrinsic, naturally human way of communicating is vocal.  We can learn signing and writing secondarily, but vocalization and spoken…

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Your Voice & Speech as Marketing Tools for Your Brand

Cheryl was recently interviewed by Susan Gangsei of Purpose Driven Marketing, about how one’s Voice tone and Speech clarity are important parts of brand. If you want to find out how to use your voice for a great impression with clients and customers, contact Cheryl for a free consultation.

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American English Pronunciation Tip: HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

When we give thanks, we open our hearts and speak our gratitude.  In order to let that flow outward so someone else can receive it, we also need to open our mouths.  Physically.  THANK has the same big, open “A” vowel as HAPPY.  If you remember last month’s tip, this is the same sound as…

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American English Pronunciation Tip: How to say Halloween

There’s lots of confusion about how to pronounce Halloween. Language morphs, so there’s a difference between common, everyday pronunciation and what’s considered preferred.  To help with this holiday, you might want to consider the meaning of the root words. Hollow, pronounced HAH-loh (like the American o in hot), means empty on the inside. The owl…

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Resource Links for Actors:

MN Playlist Beth Chaplin THE ACTING BIZ AEA  Cheryl is a member of this Union:

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